We are pleased to announce that a team of Academics, Researchers and PhD students from the CerTest project will be presenting their latest work at ECCM 20 (the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials) in Lausanne, Switzerland – 26-30 June 2022.
ECCM brings together participants from academia and industry who share an interest in Composite Materials and is the main European forum for Knowledge exchange on recent accomplishments and future trends in Composite materials.
This year’s conference is on the theme of “Composite meet Sustainability” and will highlight sustainability aspects (bio-based composite, energy efficiency in materials, production and use phases as well as end-of-life scenarios and recycling) in addition to the usual range of topics. Sustainability is very much in the core of CerTest, which aims to radically improve the efficiency of future composite aircraft, decrease of cost and time to market.
The CerTest team is proud to present the following:
The Principal Investigator, Ole Thomsen, Bristol Composites Institute, University of Bristol, will give an overview of the project:
Validation of Composite Aerostructures through Integrated Multi-Scale Modelling and High-Fidelity Substructure Testing Facilitated by Design of Experiments and Bayesian learning
The project team of RAs and PhDs will also give presentations to describe their recent work and outstanding achievements:
Jean Benezech, ), Linus Seelinger, Tim Dodwell, Peter Bastian, Robert Scheichl, Richard Butler. University of Bath: Scalable localized model order reduction applied to composite aero-structures
Aewis Hii, Bassam El Said, Stephen R Hallett. Bristol Composites Institute, University of Bristol: Development of a Concurrent Multi-scale Analysis Framework using Shell Elements for the Progressive Failure Analysis of Composites
Tobias Laux, Jack Callaghan, Sergey Kravchenko, Janice Dulieu‐Barton, Ole Thomsen. Bristol Composites Institute, University of Bristol: Hybrid testing for composite substructures
Geir Olafsson, Ole Thomsen, Janice Dulieu-Barton. Bristol Composites Institute, University of Bristol: Assessment of complex structural scale composite structures by Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA) adapted for 3D perspective imaging.
Thomas Maierhofer, University of Bath: Fracture toughness and performance of resistance welded and co-bonded thermoset-thermoplastic composite hybrid joints.
Rafael Ruiz Iglesias, Geir Olafsson, Ole Thomsen, Janice Dulieu-Barton. Bristol Composites Institute, University of Bristol: Surface and subsurface damage assessment of multi-directional composite laminates utilizing a full field imaging technique.
Roy Bullock, Tobias Laux, Janice Dulieu‐ Barton, Ole Thomsen. Bristol Composites Institute, University of Bristol: Ply Orientation Effects in Multidirectional Carbon/Epoxy Open-Hole Specimens Subjected to Shear Loading
Carl Scarth, Andrew Rhead, Richard Butler. University of Bath: Bayesian calibration of a finite element stiffened panel model using experimental compression test data
Vincent Maes, Arjun Radhakrishnan, James Kratz. Bristol Composites Institute, University of Bristol: Zonally heated tooling for moulding complex and highlytapered composites parts
James Evans, Andrew Rhead, Karim Anaya-Izquierdo, Richard Butler. University of Bath: Data driven damage and analytical CAI models for rapid strength prediction
The Industrial Doctorate Centre on Composites Manufacture will have an information booth in the exhibition at the conference, please visit the booth to find out more about research in Bristol Composites Institute and our two Doctoral Training Centres.
Don’t miss the latest news and updates from the ECCM Conference via the Bristol Composites Institute Twitter account: @UoBrisComposite!