The ECCM20 Conference got off to a great start with an opening Reception at the Olympic museum overlooking Lake Geneva and the incredible mountainous scenery beyond.
Over the past two days members of the CerTest project team have already given some excellent presentations of their recent work. For some members this is the first in-person conference they have been able to attend, and all of the team are pleased to be able to network with others to share their research, discover synergies with the research of others, and forge new connections.

So far we have had the pleasure of hearing presentations from the following speakers:-
Monday, 27 June
Garden 6 / 17:15 – speaker: Roy BULLOCK (61961). Title: Ply Orientation Effects in Multidirectional Carbon/ Epoxy Open-Hole Specimens Subjected to Shear Loading.
Garden 6 / 18:45 – speaker: Neha CHANDARANA (62343). Title: Damage characterisation in open-hole composites using acoustic emission and finite element, validated by X-ray CT.
Tuesday 28 June
Garden 8 / 11:45 – speaker: Tobias LAUX (62344). Title: Hybrid testing for composite substructures.
Garden 5 / 14:30 – speaker: Aewis HII (62521). Title: Development of a Concurrent Multi-scale Analysis Framework using Shell Elements for the Progressive Failure Analysis of Composites.
This evening Prof. Janice Barton will present:
Garden 9 / 18:15 – speaker: Janice BARTON (62222). Title: A new test for validating models of lightning strike damage on CFRP laminates.
With many more to come over the next few days! Keep watching this space for a final update….