- CerTest Professors present at CASMaT SymposiumOn January 14th, 2025, Prof. Ole Thomsen and Prof. Janice Barton delivered presentations at the – Experimental Techniques in Digital Twinning. The symposium explored linking physical structures – in the real world or in the lab… Continue Reading News
- Keynote lecture at FrontUQ 2024Richard Butler, Professor of Aerospace Composites at The University of Bath, and lead academic in the multiscale performance modelling research challenge for CerTest, delivered a keynote lecture at a workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification. The… Continue Reading News
- CerTest at FUTURES 2024 Outreach Event Members of the CerTest team, Flora Hervin, Vincent Maes, Ege Arabul and Jim Evans attended the FUTURES 2024 outreach event on September 27th to deliver their ‘Damage Detectives’ activity for lots of young people and… Continue Reading News
- CerTest at SEM Annual Conference 2024Numerous members of the CerTest team participated in the recent Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) conference, held in Vancouver from June 3rd to 6th. CerTest delivered several presentations on their innovative research as well as two… Continue Reading News
- CerTest at ECCM21Many members of the CerTest team attended the recent 21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21) held on Nantes, July 2nd-5th. CerTest contributed to various sessions and poster discussions in addition to their own special symposium… Continue Reading News
- CerTest Independent Advisory Board and Industrial Steering Group Meeting, 17 April 2024 in SouthamptonOn April 17th 2024, the CerTest team met with the Independent Advisory Board (IAB) and the Industrial Steering Group (ISG) for a fantastic day of presenting the project’s research goals and achievements along with in-depth discussions… Continue Reading News
- CerTest workshop and panel session at ICCM23 on ‘Modernising Routes to Compliance with Composite Regulations: A Journey towards Virtual Testing and Digital Twinning’At the recent 23rd International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM23) held in Belfast, 30th July to 4th August 2023, the CerTest team organised a very successful workshop and panel session themed, ‘Modernising Routes to Compliance with… Continue Reading News
- ICCM23 – CerTest Speakers and Workshop ProgrammeThe CerTest team will be attending the 23rd International Conference on Composites Materials taking place from July 30th to August 4th 2023 in Belfast. The ICCM will feature speakers from CerTest, and a special workshop on ‘Modernising Route… Continue Reading News
- Professor Janice Barton for Match ID – Newsletter featureThe prestigious DIC software platform, Match ID, have published a feature in their latest newsletter on the work that Professor Janice Barton leading supported by Dr Tobias Laux, Dr Riccardo Cappello and Dr Geir Olafsson. It is entitled ‘Application… Continue Reading News
- Upcoming CerTest Workshop & Panel Session at ICCM 23The much anticipated Composites Regulations Workshop and Panel Session led by the CerTest team will be taking place on Tuesday 1st of August at ICCM in Belfast. The 23rd International Conference on Composites Materials will house… Continue Reading News
- SEM Conference 2023 CerTest PresentationsRafael Ruiz Iglesias, a PhD student at the University of Bristol, presented at the SEM 2023 conference alongside Senior Research Associate, Geir Olafsson. Their recent work on Research Challenge 3 – on data rich high fidelity… Continue Reading News
- Poster by Emily Leung at CompTest 2023University of Bristol PhD student, Emily Leung, presented a poster and it was part of her Phd work that focused on using mirror assisted imaging techniques to detect and characterize the interface fracture through the face… Continue Reading News
- Professor Janice Barton delivers keynote at CompTest 202311th International Conference on Composite Testing and Model Identification (May 31 – June 2) CerTest took on CompTest this month with Professor Janice Dulieu Barton’s delivering a Keynote Presentation on Full Field Data Fusion (FFDF) to… Continue Reading News
- CerTest at JEC 2023JEC World is the global trade show for composite materials and their applications. Held in Paris, JEC World is the industry’s leading event, hosting all the major players in a spirit of innovation, business, and networking.… Continue Reading News
- Success for CerTest PhD studentsThere has been lots going on for two of our CerTest PhD students at the University of Bath. They have each had notable successes this year with their research outputs. Jiraphant Srisuriyachot’s published paper “Carbon fibre… Continue Reading News
- New testing procedures at SouthamptonCerTest Research Associate’s, Tobi Laux and Riccardo Cappello, have recently been visiting the University of Southampton from the University of Bristol. They are currently working on the development of a novel sub-component testing procedure that provides… Continue Reading News
- Seminar by Dr Jevan Furmanski from UoDayton, USADr Jevan Furmanski University of Dayton Abstract: Recent advances in additive manufacturing with continuously-reinforced composites (AM-CC) has enabled the use of this process to realize mass-efficient, topology-optimized (TO), bioinspired structures. The consideration of the use of… Continue Reading News
- Seminar by visiting academic, Professor Dan ZenkertWe recently welcomed Professor Dan Zenkert to the University of Bristol where he delivered a fantastic seminar on Multifunctional Carbon Fibre Composites to the CerTest team and to the wider Bristol Composites Institute as well as… Continue Reading News
- Prestigious prize won by CerTest PhD studentRafael Ruiz Iglesias a PhD student and CerTest project team member based in the Bristol Composites Institute supervised by Professors Janice Barton and Ole Thomsen, and Dr Geir Olafsson has received the British Society for Strain… Continue Reading News
- CerTest Presentations at ECCM20That’s it! – sadly ECCM is all over for another year. What a tremendous conference – with so many fascinating and truly inspiring presentations given. All of the CerTest project group were able to meet old… Continue Reading News
- CerTest update from ECCMThe ECCM20 Conference got off to a great start with an opening Reception at the Olympic museum overlooking Lake Geneva and the incredible mountainous scenery beyond. Over the past two days members of the CerTest project… Continue Reading News
- CerTest – New PublicationWe are happy to share our latest paper from the CerTest programme, which was recently published in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. In multiscale modelling of composites, computational homogenization allows us to link the behaviour… Continue Reading News
- Prestigious Award for CerTest Research Challenge LeaderCerTest are delighted and extremely proud to announce that Prof. Janice Barton, (CerTest Research Challenge 3 Lead) was awarded the prestigious William M Murray Award for her lecture at the Society for Experimental Mechanics in 2020… Continue Reading News
- CerTest goes to ECCM!We are pleased to announce that a team of Academics, Researchers and PhD students from the CerTest project will be presenting their latest work at ECCM 20 (the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials) in Lausanne,… Continue Reading News
- CerTest website – new design launchThe CerTest website has undergone a full redesign and the new changes were launched on the 13th of May 2020. The new and improved site features new areas showcasing the people working on the project, publications,… Continue Reading News
- Introduction to the CerTest projectThe five year project will look to enable more structurally efficient and lightweight airframes that are essential for meeting future fuel and cost efficiency challenges, to maintain and enhance the UK’s international position in the aerospace… Continue Reading News